Mengapa Kita Geli?
Ini pertanyaan yg ane sering terlintas di pikiran ane, sehingga ane pun penasaran pingin tau jawabannya. Setelah nyari di mbah google kesana kemari, akhirnya ane nemuin jawabannya, dan ternyata begitu to sebab kita menjadi geli... penasaran ya,,, silaahkann cekidooott,,, :D
Geli. Apakah itu?
Dari sumber yg saya baca, merasa geli adalah reaksi fisiologis yg definisinya 'tidak dapat dikendalikan otak'. Jadi kita sama sekali gak bisa ngatur 'perasaan' geli ini. Entah itu intensitasnya, dimulai dan diakhirinya, dll. Nah, geli ini termasuk Sistem somatosensori dalam tubuh kita. Apa itu sistem somatosensori? jawabannya adalah suatu sistem indra yang mendeteksi pengalaman yang disebut sentuhan atau tekanan, suhu (hangat atau dingin), sakit (termasuk gatal dan geli), termasuk juga propriosepsi (sensasi pergerakan otot) serta posisi persendian seperti postur, pergerakan, visera dan ekspresi wajah. Perasa visera terkait dengan informasi indra dari dalam tubuh seperti sakit perut. Sentuhan dapat dianggap sebagai salah satu dari lima indra manusia; meskipun sewaktu seseorang menyentuh sesuatu atau seseorang, berbagai perasaan dapat timbul: persepsi tekanan (bentuk, kelembutan, tekstur, getaran, dll), suhu relatif, dan kadang nyeri. Dengan demikian, istilah "sentuhan" biasanya merupakan kombinasi dari berbagai indra.
Yang Terjadi Ketika 'Merasa' Geli
Menggelitik dengan gerakan-gerakan lembut ujung jari tangan, akan membangkitkan sensor-sensor peraba yg lebut dan tipis, tepat di bawah kulit. Makanya, kita gampang terasa geli di bagian kulit yg tipis, kayak telapak kaki.
Efeknya biasanya TERTAWA. Tapi percaya ato nggak, yang sesungguhnya terjadi adalah peningkatan denyut nadi dan tekanan darah. Atau dalam bahasa 'manusianya', kita menjadi WASPADA atau CEMAS. Yup. CEMAS inilah penyebab rasa geli itu. Otak akan menanggapi rangsangan tersebut lebih kurang sebagai 'ancaman' atau 'gangguan'. Makanya disebut keadaan CEMAS.
Rasa CEMAS ini bisa menjadi berbahaya. Karena ketika seseorang digelitikin lama-lama, rasa itu berkumpul, dan terasa gak nyaman. Jadi rasa geli kalo lama2 di kelitikin juga bisa ilang gan, malahan kitanya jadi ga nyaman, bener ga gan???
BAGIAN tubuh manakah dari diri kamu yang paling merasa geli? Telapak kaki? Ketiak? Jari-jari, pinggang? Mana lagi? Mengapa “hanya” bagian-bagian tertentu yang bisa geli?
Beberapa bagian tubuh yang “geli-an” tersebut memiliki lebih banyak syaraf perasa daripada bagian tubuh lainnya. Mengapa demikian?
Rasa Geli sebenarnya juga pertanda bahwa bagian tubuh tersebut lebih peka dari yang lainnya. Lebih peka berarti juga bagian tubuh itu “terlindungi” dari “bahaya” yang mungkin mengancam, dan itu berarti menjaga kelangsungan hidup kita. Ketiak yang peka sebenarnya adalah untuk menghindari “luka” akibat sentuhan yang berlebihan di brachial plexus, yang menyebabkan kelumpuhan lengan. Begitu juga rongga hidung, telinga, mata, yang merupakan sasaran empuk benda-benda kecil yang bisa jadi masuk kesana. Tubuh kita memang telah memiliki mekanisme otomatis dalam perlindungan diri.
Jadi ga smua bagian tubuh kamu merasa geli gan
Mengapa kita ga merasa geli kalo di kelitikin sndiri?
Kita bisa merasa tidak geli karena otak kita dapat memberitahu sensasi-sensasi geli yang disebabkan oleh tindakan diri kita sendiri dan memberinya prioritas rendah. Karena hal tersebut, tubuh lebih mau menerima sensasi-sensasi yang berasal dari sumber-sumber di luar mungkin lebih penting. Sebuah penelitian tentang hal ini menunjukkan bahwa area-area otak yang memproses informasi sentuhan (korteks somatosensoris) lebih aktif pada waktu subjek digelitik oleh orang lain ketimbang pada walktu digelitik oleh dirinya sendiri. Dah tau jawabannya kan gan? makanya ga berasa kan kalo ngelitikin sendiri, mendingan di kelitikin sm orang lain.
lagii banyakk pkirann jadiii ga bnerr ne postingg,,,
okelahh ntar di sambung dengan postingan yang bermanfaat,,, :D
Ini Dia, Jenis Cewek Menurut Istilah Komputer
berikut adalah istilah perempuan di era IT / komputer
Semua tahu cewek jenis ini tidak dapat melakukan semua dengan benar,
tapi kita tidak dapat hidup tanpanya.
E-MAIL Girls
Setiap sepuluh kalimat yang diucapkannya, delapan kalimat adalah
Cewek jenis ini akan mengingat semua hal, SELAMANYA
CD-ROM Girls
Selalu lebih cepat dan cepat
Cewek jenis ini bagus hanya untuk bersenag senang saja
Biasanya susah di akses, dan mudah putus hubungan (Disconnected)
Selalu sibuk bila kita membutuhkannya
Cewek jenis ini bisa membuat hal buruk menjadi indah
Cewek jenis akan langsung melupakan mu, pada saat kamu melepaskannya.
Cewek jenis ini bila kita tidak memerlukannya dia datang, dia meng-
Install dirinya dan menggunakan semua sumber sumber yang ada. Jika
kita berusaha meng- Un-install, kita akan kehilangan semuanya, Jika
kita tidak berusaha untuk meng Un-Installnya maka kita pun akan
kehilangan juga...cewek jenis ini biasa juga dikenal dengan
istilah... ISTRI
dikutip dari :
Inilah Penyebab Munculnya Ulat Bulu di Beberapa Daerah
Kepala Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan (Balitbang) Pertanian Kementerian Pertanian Haryono menyatakan, penyebab meningkatnya populasi ulat bulu di sejumlah daerah di Tanah Air sudah bisa disimpulkan.
“Dinamika peningkatan populasi ulat bulu penyebabnya kurang lebih sudah convergent (memusat) pada perubahan ekosistem, baik yang hayati (biotik) maupun nonhayati (abiotik),” ungkap Haryono.
Hasil penelitian Balitbang Pertanian terhadap sejumlah contoh spesies ulat bulu yang diperoleh dari berbagai lokasi menunjukkan adanya faktor penyebab yang sama, yakni perubahan ekosistem. Hal ini diperkuat oleh kajian peneliti dan akademisi bidang entomologi (serangga) dari lembaga terkait, seperti LIPI dan IPB. Para pakar serangga se-Indonesia yang dikumpulkan Balitbang Pertanian juga memberikan kesimpulan yang sama.
Perubahan ekosistem yang dimaksud, lanjut Haryono, telah menyebabkan hilangnya faktor keseimbangan alami untuk sementara waktu. “Sebagai suatu sistem, alam juga memiliki komponen-komponen yang menciptakan keseimbangan. Saat salah satu komponen mengalami gangguan, keseimbangan itu akan terganggu. Begitu juga dengan yang terjadi dengan famili Limantriidae (ulat bulu) saat ini,” papar Haryono.
Fenomena meningkatnya populasi ulat bulu, faktor hayatinya disebabkan berkurangnya pemangsa alaminya, seperti burung, kelelawar, dan semut rangrang, dan musuh alaminya, misalnya parasitoid.
Berkurangnya pemangsa alami dan peningkatan ulat bulu juga dipengaruhi unsur nonhayati. Perubahan iklim global menjadi faktor utama. Akibat adanya perubahan iklim, terjadi perubahan suhu dan kelembaban udara. “Semua makhluk hidup punya kemampuan adaptasi terhadap perubahan alam yang terjadi.”
“Perubahan suhu dan kelembaban udara bisa saja mengakibatkan pemangsa alami ulat bulu berkurang, sebaliknya ulat bulunya meningkat. Tapi, ini tidak akan berlangsung lama karena alam punya mekanisme penyeimbang,” terang Haryono.
Menurutnya, pemangsa alami dan faktor penyeimbang hayati lainnya akan kembali berfungsi normal dan dinamika populasi ulat bulu akan kembali normal sebagaimana sebelumnya.
Ia mencontohkan, Balai Penelitian Perkebunan di Bogor yang kerap mengalami peningkatan populasi ulat bulu pada periode tertentu. Hal itu, kata Haryono, akan kembali normal secara alami. Oleh karena itu, ia meminta warga yang dilanda merebaknya ulat bulu untuk tidak terlalu terpengaruh fenomena tersebut.
Selain alasan di atas, Haryono menyebutkan sejumlah alasan lain.
Habitat ulat bulu sudah ada pada lingkungan tertentu karena serangga ini adalah bagian dari ekosistem yang memiliki manfaat bagi lingkungannya. Yang lazim terjadi adalah peningkatan populasi, bukan serangan ulat bulu. Sebab, jenis ini tidak memiliki kemampuan menyebar secara luas, sebagaimana wereng. “Kecuali jika ia terbawa secara tidak sengaja,” ujar Haryono.
Ulat bulu juga tidak menyerang tanaman pangan. Yang menjadi inang alaminya adalah jenis tanaman tahunan seperti mangga. Lebih lagi, ulat bulu tidak menyebabkan inangnya mati atau terhenti berproduksi. “Karena ulat bulu tidak menyerang titik tumbuh inangnya, seperti wereng. Ia adalah jenis pemakan sejumlah jenis dedaunan,” kata Haryono.
Ia menyebutkan, gangguan terhadap pohon-pohon mangga di Probolinggo, misalnya, tidak menghentikan produktivitas tanaman tersebut. “Saya memiliki foto-foto yang menunjukkan pohon-pohon mangga di sana (Probolinggo) sudah berbuah lagi,” katanya.
Meski demikian, Haryono mengakui, spesies ulat bulu di Probolinggo memiliki kelebihan dalam siklus perkembangannya. “Yang lain siklusnya 28-30 hari. Kalau yang di Probolinggo lebih cepat dari itu,” pungkas Haryono.
dikutip dari :
Mulailah Menyikat Gigi Dengan Cara Yang Benar
Berikut cara menyikat gigi yang baik :
1. Mulailah dengan menyikat gigi yang digunakan untuk mengunyah untuk menghilangkan sisa-sisa makanan
2. Sikat gigi dimiringkan dan disikat memutar dengan sudut sedikat 45 derajat
3. Hilangkan kebiasaan buruk menyikat gigi dengan gerakan kiri-kanan. Gerakan yang benar adalah ‘merah-putih’, yaitu dari gusi ke gigi.
4. Sikat gigi dengan lembut untuk membantu mengurangi plak dan merangsang gusi. Lakukan pijatan gusi untuk memperlancar peredaran darah.
5. Pindahkan sikat gigi ke posisi vertikal dan fokus dan gigi depan atas dan bawah dalam. Ini adalah bagian gigi tempat plak sering terakumulasi.
6. Bersihkan gigi pada seluruh permukaan gigi sampai ke celah-celah gigi dan saku gusi
7. Buka mulut Anda lebar-lebar dan sikat juga permukaan lidah, bagian dalam pipi dan lagit-langit mulut. Ini merupakan langkah penting dalam menyikat gigi yang benar, karena kotoran bisa menjadi 80 persen penyebab bau mulut.
8. Bila dirasa kurang bersih, bisa diulangi cara-cara di atas.
9. Setelah selesai, bilas mulut dan sikat gigi dengan air bersih. Dan rendam sikat gigi beberapa menit di dalam air panas untuk membunuh bakteri mulut yang mungkin tertinggal di sikat gigi.
dikutip dari :
Telur ma Ayam Duluan Mana?
Protein yang disebut ovocledidin-17, atau OC-17 - bertindak sebagai katalis untuk mempercepat pengembangan kulit telur dan mengubah kalsium karbonat menjadi kristal kalsit yang membentuk kulit telur. Kalsit kristal ada di berbagai tulang dan tempurung tetapi mereka terbentuk lebih cepat di dalam ayam. Unggas itu mampu menghasilkan 6 gram kulit telur setiap 24 jam. Sedangkan computer yang digunakan oleh para ilmuwan, yang diberi nama HECToR itu membuktikan bahwa OC-17 sangat penting dalam memulai kristalisasi atau tahap awal penciptaan kulit telur..nah udah jelaskan kalau ada yang bertanya tentang duluan telor atau ayam?? kita jawab dengan tegas dan lantang ( kyak lagii upacara ja) duluan ayamlah... sekian postingan kali ini semoga dapatt memberikan info yang bermanfaat...
Creed - One Last Breath
I’m holding on to all I think is safe
It seems I found the road to nowhere
And I’m trying to escape
I yelled back when I heard thunder
But I’m down to one last breath
And with it let me say
Let me say
Hold me now
I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking
That maybe six feet
Ain’t so far down
I’m looking down now that it’s over
Reflecting on all of my mistakes
I thought I found the road to somewhere
Somewhere in His grace
I cried out heaven save me
But I’m down to one last breath
And with it let me say
Let me say
Hold me now
I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking
That maybe six feet
Ain’t so far down
Sad eyes follow me
But I still believe there’s something left for me
So please come stay with me
‘Cause I still believe there’s something left for you and me
For you and me
For you and me
Hold me now
I’m six feet from the edge and I’m thinking
Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah
Dear God the only thing yo yeah
I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again
There's nothing here for me on this barren road
There's no one here while the city sleeps
and all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through, oh yeah
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again
Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
when hope begins to fade...
A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again
Essentials of Search Engine Optimisation Campaign
To get the best overall, long-term search engine positions, three components must be present on a web page:
Text component
Link component
Popularity component
All of the major search engines (AltaVista, FAST Search, Google, Lycos, MSN Search and other Inktomi-based engines) use these components as a part of their search engine algorithms. Sites that have (a) all of the components on their web pages, and (b) have optimal levels of all the components perform well in the search engines overall.
Text component
Since the search engines build lists of words and phrases on URL's, then it naturally follows that in order to do well on the search engines, you must place these words on your web pages in the strategic HTML tags.
The most important part of the text component of a search engine algorithm is keyword selection. In order for your target audience to find your site on the search engines, your pages must contain keyword phrases that match the phrases your target audience is typing into search queries.
Once you have determined the best keyword phrases to use on your web pages, you will need to place them within your HTML tags. Search engines do not place emphasis on the same HTML tags. For example, Inktomi reads Meta tags; Google ignores Meta tags. Thus, in order to do well on the entire search engines, it is best to place keywords in all of the HTML tags possible, without keyword stuffing. So no matter what the search engine algorithm is, you know that your keywords are contained in your documents
Link component
The strategy of placing keyword-rich text in your web pages is useless if the search engine spiders have no way of finding that text. The way your pages are linked to each other, and the way your web site is linked to other web sites, does impact your search engine positions.
Even though search engine spiders are powerful data-gathering programs, HTML coding or scripting can prevent a spider from effectively crawling your pages. Examples of site navigation schemes that can be problematic are:
1. Poor HTML coding on all navigation schemes: Browsers (Netscape and Explorer) can display web pages with sloppy HTML coding; search engine spiders are not as forgiving as browsers are.
2. JavaScript: All of the major search engines cannot follow links embedded inside of JavaScript, including but not limited to mouseovers, arrays, and drop-down menus. Note: Even though reputable designer resources claim search-engine friendly scripts exist, many of them are untested and unproven.
3. Dynamic or database-driven web pages: Pages that are generated via scripts, databases, and/or have a?, &, $, =, +, or % in the URL can present spider "traps."
4. Flash: Currently, none of the search engines can follow the links embedded in Flash documents.
Therefore, to ensure that the spiders have the means to record the data on your web pages, we recommend having two forms of navigation on a web page: one that pleases your end users, and one that the search engine spiders can follow.
Popularity component
The popularity component of a search engine algorithm consists of multiple sub-components:
Link popularity
Click-through popularity
Web page popularity
Attaining an optimal popularity component is not simply obtaining as many links as possible to a web site. The quality of the sites linking to your site holds more "weight" than the quantity of sites linking to your site. Since Yahoo is the most frequently visited site on the web, a link from Yahoo to your web site carries far more "weight" than a link from a smaller, less visited site. Other outstanding sites that can help generate excellent popularity are LookSmart, the Open Directory, and Non-competitive, industry-specific sites (such as are also excellent link development resources.
Obtaining links from other sites is not enough to maintain optimal popularity. The major search engines and directories are measuring how often end users are clicking on the links to your site and how long they are staying on your site (i.e., reading your web pages). They are also measuring how often end users return to your site. All of these measurements constitute a site's click-through popularity.
The search engines and directories measure both link popularity (quality and quantity of links) and click-through popularity to determine the overall popularity component of a web site.
How Professional Black Jack Started.
In 1962 Edward Thorp this time using computer technologies calculate and published in his book Beat The Dealer not only the basic strategy of playing but also card counting. Thorp states that blackjack differs from roulette, craps and other games of luck, the result of every hand in blackjack depends on the previous dealing - it really matters which cards drew back form the game and which remained in the pack. Most of the stuff calculated by Thorp is still precise, but all the serious modern gamblers should read this book only for historical interest.
Thorp's system called "10 count system" was meant for one pack game which enjoyed great success in all casinos of Nevada. It was extremely difficult for learning, so most of the gamblers gave it up. However, Nevada's casinos restricted some rules, for example, doubling down only on 11 points. The media told the whole world about it, and Thorp with his book became known all over the world and the casinos that showed themselves to disadvantage had to return former rules. Realizing that under such circumstances crowds card counters would be trying to beat the house, operators of gambling houses introduced two procedures - shuffling after withdrawal of the trim card and multi-packed games
Thorp's systems was very difficult to use in practice. But for the computer conference in Las Vegas in 1963, the game would remain on the same level. On a whim, the conference organizers decided to include a Panel Session on "Using Computers in Games of Chance and Skill." It was just a whim of the organizers to include a section "Using computers in games of chance and skill". Thorp was designated as Chairman of the Panel and experts on the various casino games, including blackjack, roulette and baccarat. The room filled up and overflowed with computer gamblers. Hundreds of conference attendees were pushing and shoving to get into the room.
The crowd, of course, had been drawn by Thorp. They were expecting revelations on the game and anticipated using his imparted wisdom immediately following the session to make a killing at the blackjack tables.
After one or two more presentations that mainly corrected and modified Thorp's system, Harvey Dubner was introduced. He described the approach. Dubner kept a count of remaining high cards (10,J,Q,K,A) and low cards (2,3,4,5,6) as the cards were played and divided its difference by total cards left to play. He called the result the High-Low Ratio. His presentation was enthusiastically received by the standing room only crowd and he was given a round of applause at its conclusion. Here at last, many were saying, is a system that is practical, that can actually be used in the real world of casino play. Thorp incorporated "high-low" system into the second edition of Beat the Dealer published in 1966 and since then over 100 professional books on blackjack, team games, hidden computers, shuffle tracking and sleepless nights for casino securities all over the world
Andy Bloch
And no one can top Andy when it comes to multi-tasking. Poker is just one of his myriad interests, a BIG interest, mind you, but not enough of an interest to cause him to neglect his other pursuits. In fact, he participated in his very first World Series of Poker event while still in law school and undergoing vigorous study sessions.
This guy is so amazing, that within just a year of his poker beginnings in 1992, he had already developed the skills and confidence to enter a $100 entry fee no-limit Texas Hold 'em tournament. And let's not stop there. Andy is an accomplished Blackjack player as well, and was even featured in a documentary about card-counting called "The Hot Shoe.'
Andy lives in Las Vegas and has thus far finished in the money ten times in World Series of Poker tournaments. Although he has not as yet won a WSOP bracelet, he twice finished in third place in two World Poker Tour final tables in the WPT's first season, and has seven money finishes thus far in overall WPT competition.At Foxwoods Andy finished first in a seven-card stud meet.
Andy was the winner in the Ultimate Poker Challenge's second season. The Ultimate Poker Challenge being a series of weekly poker tournaments which act as super-satellites into the series semi-finals.
Bloch participated in the longest heads-up battle in WSOP history, when, in the 2006 H.O.R.S.E. Event he fell to second place behind David "Chip" Reese after the competitors had played a grueling 286 hands.
Never one for idle time, Andy has recently been recruited as one of a team of professionals that have joined Full Tilt Poker, an online poker cardroom that debuted in 2004. Andy now plays regularly on the site, joined by such top-notch players as Erik Seidel, Phil Gordon and Mike Matusow among others.
Andy hails from Orange, Connecticut, and developed an interest in card playing when just a youngster while playing with family and friends. That interest has developed into a lucrative profession, as Andy has thus far earned over a million dollars without once having to revert to his law degree.
Balance your life
Writing needs concentration and quiet.
Writing requires absolute commitment.
Are all there scary statements true?
What is more, is it possible to balance your writing career and family without turning yourself into a zombie?
Everything is feasible; I am the living example of it.
There is only one secret: TIME PLAN.
This is step one for the aspiring writer's success. Without it, nothing can be achieved. How can you do it?
Simply make a rough plan of the time allowed to your writing project every day. It is highly important for the writer to know exactly WHEN he /she is going to settle down and write, feeling free of all the other responsibilities that he has.
I have made a simple schedule. You can work out yours according to your family needs.
Every morning just after breakfast, and as soon as the family have gone, I allow myself to work on my PC for one to two hours, depending on the workload of the day. Then I go on with the house chores and all the rest of the family tasks till noon. At 2 o' clock everybody is back so I serve lunch, but after that I have 2-3 hours free to work on my morning assignment. Thus, there is plenty of time to care for the family , while in the afternoons I still have time to go to my part time job in time , feeling satisfied I have worked at home on my project.
In the evening I sometimes find an hour or so , when the family watch TV . This time I sit with them in the living room , having pre arranged to do the easiest tasks for my writing job, such as note taking or layout planning of new stories or articles. I use pen to paper and I don't bother if I make mistakes. Next morning, there is plenty of time to revise them and complete them.
If this plan has been working perfectly for me, why not for you as well?
You only have to calculate when and how long you need to write every day. Of course , you must stick to your plan and never give it up , apart from very urgent cases. Remember that your work is also urgent, so never skip it.
If you respect your writing job, the others will do so too. What is more, they won't feel neglected as you will give them your care and attention at the time they are around. Furthermore, your house chores will be done in time and you won't feel overworked. Many a times I used to end up with half burned meals and I felt extremely stressed trying to catch up with all the house chores before the family was back home. So, telling yourself 'I'll do it later', it's not the solution. 'Later' will come in no time and you will find yourself in a very difficult situation. Yet, no one will believe your excuses as you have been in the house the whole morning , and you will feel inefficient for no reason at all! "A little every day" is my motto, and, in the long run, everything is done and everybody is happy. Keeping your writing and family under control will make you feel satisfied and everyone, including you, will be happy.
Also, keep in mind that there is nothing odd if you work in unconventional places.
I sometimes find it stimulating to work in the living room with all the family around. Noise does not bother me, on the contrary, it brings me more ideas. This article was outlined last evening while we were all watching a football match. Well, the truth is I did not watch much of it! I was absorbed in my new article, but that's how this idea sprang out. I can perfectly work in a chatty setting. Have you tried it? You may come up with fresh ideas and great articles.
Finally, who says that writing can turn you into a zombie? Shatter the myth! It's up to you to enjoy both your family and your writing career. Simply make a time plan!
The Defining Moment Of Self-Improvement
Motivation comes from within. It is something that you want to do for you. This is what keeps you going, getting up each day and going off to work. Children are often the motivating force behind parents saving money, when they would ordinarily blow it on something frivolous. You know that you will need money for your children's higher education or to give them the extras that they want, such as toys and brand name clothing. This is the reason that you work each day, maintain a home and spend time enjoying each other.
If you don't have something to look forward to or see some sense of gratification in what you do, then there is no motivation to get doing it. Just meeting with colleagues helps you get a sense of who you are and your place in the world. Socialization, confidence and improvement are three main aspects of life. When you enjoy life, you can be motivated to achieve great things. Achievement does not have to be something that everyone recognizes. It can be something as simple as learning to make a quilt or to use a saw to create beautiful woodwork. The end result is the feeling of accomplishment that you have in yourself.